Is the Artificial Intelligence the new buzz-word in technology? Or it is going to change the world more than anything in the history of mankind. How will the society look in the next 15 years? How will the business evolve in the next 20 years? Is it true that more than 40% of the jobs will disappear? Will we assist to a battle between technology and humanity in the years to come?
We don’t know how the future will look like but we know for sure that the artificial intelligence will increase all the aspects of our life. Energy will be produced and used efficiently, the cities will become intelligent, the medicine and the education will be transformed in a very positive way, our lifestyle will enhance with intelligent and automated features and we will be accompanied by our personal intelligent assistant. The business will flourish and they will become more efficient introducing AI, machine learning, automation and all the new technology.
Adding AI to your business should be the next step as you look for ways to advance your operations and increase your performance. It is again the right time for the CIOs and the technology leaders to drive the companies into the AI new world order.

The CIO Council Conference is designed as forum to provide an intimate networking platform for CIOs and CxO from leading organizations. Attendees will engage in challenging debates and innovative knowledge sharing with CIO Council members and industry leaders regarding the opportunities that digital transformation provides to gain competitive advantage.

Main topics:

  • Top 10 digital trends for 2020. How the future will look like?
  • What is the role of the CIOs in the new AI economy?
  • Empowering Business through AI, Machine learning, Robotics and 3D Printing
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to reengineer your business processes
  • The future of Business Intelligence Apps is based on AI and machine learning
  • How to deploy an AI Cyber Defense for your company?
  • Cybersecurity challenges into the world of AI
  • Data privacy. A major cultural change.
  • Cybersecurity for SCADA and industrial control systems
  • The secret of block chain technology
  • The digital work force.The workplace of the future
  • Attracting and Maintaining Talent in a digital ecosystem
  • Is the educational system ready to support the innovation technology?  
  • The European Digital Agenda 


Tuesday, 26 March 2019 – Hotel Radisson, 09:00 – 17:00
Moderator: Yugo Neumorni, President CIO Council Romania

0800 - 0900

Registration & Welcome Coffee

0900 - 0910

Opening speech
- Yugo Neumorni, President CIO Council

910 - 1120


Public-private participation and the importance of leadership


Elly van den Heuvel-Davies, Secretary to the Netherlands Cyber Security Council



Adding AI to your business may be the next step as you look for ways to advance your operations and increase your performance. The impact of AI technologies on business is projected to boost labor productivity fundamentally changing the way we work and reinforcing the role of people to drive growth in business. Companies are entering in a new era ruled by data incorporating AI and machine learning in business intelligence systems. They can now use Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to identify trends and insights in vast reams of data and make faster decisions that position them to be competitive in real-time. Expert systems, data analytics, robotics, machine learning algorithms, voice recognitions are only few AI appliances that streamline business processes, improve customer services and leverage sensor-driven data for marketing and advertising.

-          How AI transform the companies, the economy and the society?

-          Are the C-level prepared for the AI transformation? Are the society ready?

-          What are some common benefits of artificial intelligence technology?

-          Introducing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in improve operations

-          Business Intelligence Apps Built on AI/Machine Learning

-          Case studies for the benefits of AI

-          Is AI a threat or opportunities for CIOs?

Panel preview:

Analytics. And the role it plays when transforming raw data into business intelligence- delivered by Mihaela Cristescu, WiFi & Analytics Product Manager, Orange Romania

Panel preview:

Artificial intelligence is here? What about us? - delivered by Aurel Netin, Country Manager, Lenovo Romania

Panel preview:

True Enterprise RPA and the Path to AI - delivered by Razvan Atim, Head of Sales Eastern Europe, UiPath



  • Lucian Butnaru, General Manager, Cegeka Romania
  • Martin Vaross, Partner, Consulting, Mazars
  • Gabriel Dumitrescu, Large Accounts Division Manager, Orange Romania 
  • Razvan Atim, Head of Sales Eastern Europe, UiPath
  • Bogdan Bandila, CIO Council Member

Moderator: Mircea ModranCIO Council Member


Tehnologii relevante in Industria 4.0  

Speaker: Gabriel Voicila, Partener, Servicii de Consultanta in Tehnologie, PwC Romania


1120 - 1200

Coffee break

1200 - 1345


KEY NOTE SPEACH: The role of DNS in network defense

Speaker: Dr. Paul Vixie- Chairman, CEO and cofounder, Farsight Security, Inc.

Brief: Dr. Paul Vixie is an Internet pioneer. Currently, he is the Chairman, CEO and cofounder of Farsight Security, Inc. Dr. Vixie was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame in 2014 for work related to DNS and anti-spam technologies.  He is the author of open source Internet software including BIND 8, and of many Internet standards documents concerning DNS and DNSSEC. In addition, he founded the first commercial anti-spam company (MAPS, 1996), the first non-profit Internet infrastructure software company (ISC, 1994), and the first neutral and commercial Internet exchange (PAIX, 1991). In 2018, he cofounded SIE Europe UG, a breakthrough European data sharing collective to fight cybercrime. Dr. Vixie earned his Ph.D. from Keio University for work related to DNS and DNSSEC in 2010


PREZENTAREThe state of cybersecurity in 2019

Speaker: Alexandru Balan, Chief Security Researcher, Bitdefender



PANEL: Are the CIOs ready for the next cyber-attack?

We are living in a hyper connected world where millions of objects and sensors are added daily which transform our life in an unprecedented way. Our life is improving through technology, artificial intelligence, new digital services and new devices are changing and transforming our business. But all comes with an increased costs of cyber threats and cyber risks. National critical infrastructures, power grids, medical and financial institutions failed like domino pieces in the last years in a battle with invisible aggressors. The society demands immediate actions to control the cyberterrorism and urge the business and the IT community for better security and data privacy measures and regulations. “Security and Cybersecurity by design” is the new law to be imposed to IT ecosystems.

  • How to deploy an AI CyberDefense for your company?
  • Cybersecurity challenges into the world of AI
  • Cybersecurity for SCADA and industrial control systems
  • How can we deal with human factors in security?
  • How can cyber risks best be incorporated into business continuity plans?
  • Are the CIOs ready for the next cyber attack?
  • Is the “Cybersecurity as a Service” the best options for companies and CIOs?
  • How to protect national critical infrastructures from cyber attacks?
  • Is Industrial Control Systems unsecure by design?

Panel previewLeverage Big Data in Cybersecurity- delivered by Corina-Stefania Nebela, Big Data and Cybersecurity Architect, Atos


  • Dr. Paul Vixie- Chairman, CEO and cofounder, Farsight Security, Inc
  • Dr. John McCarthy, BCS Elite
  • Roxana Ionescu, Partner, Head of Data Protection practice, NNDKP
  • Cătălina Dodu, Global Cybersecurity Services Presales Director, Atos

  • Cristian Cucu, Secretar de Stat, CIO , Secretariatul General al Guvernului


Yugo Neumorni, President CIO Council Romania



1345 - 1430


1430 - 1630

SESSION 3: Innovation and growth with Artificial Intelligence

PRESENTATION: #Shi(f)tHappens


Cristian Herghelegiu, CEO Dendrio Solutions | VP of Technology Bittnet Group


PANEL Innovation and growth with Artificial Intelligence.

The artificial intelligence is exploding. Advanced machine learning are introduced to automate business intelligence and analytics processes, machines algorithms are widely used to identify market trends and to increase sales, predictive maintenance and logistics processes are boosting using AI to mine the huge databases. More and more artificial intelligence and advanced learning machines are replacing today low-skill jobs while industry and manufacturing become fully robotized.

·        Is the artificial intelligence to be seen as a replacement or a complement of the current workforce?

·        What is a Neural Network?

·        How Computer Vision could speed up your business?

·        Speech recognition, virtual agents, deep learning, biometrics, RPA, everything will be automatized.

·        Will all these new AI technology force humans into obsolescence?

·        What education programs and trainings are necessary for our employees to align the new technological trends? 

Panel previewAI Ready Solutions from Dell Technologies - delivered by Horia Constantinescu, Datacenter Sales Executive CEE, Dell


  • Vladan Pekovic, Chief Technology and Information Officer, Telekom Romania
  • Daniel Rusen, Director of Marketing and Operations,  Microsoft Romania
  • Gabriel Ciucu, Managing Director, ALEF 
  • Gabriel Pavel, Balkans Sales Director, Fujitsu
  • Horia Constantinescu, Datacenter Sales Executive CEE, Dell

ModeratorBogdan Tudor, CIO Council Vice-president 


PRESENTATION: Cyber insurance - a must for the protection of your business or personal well-being


Călin Rangu, Director of Business Conduct and Intermediaries Supervision, Romanian Financial Supervision Authority (FSA)



Cocktail & fine wine tasting




REGISTRATION for CIO Council National Conference 2019

Participation fees:
    CIO Council Romania members - Complimentary
    100 euro ( + VAT) for End Users (IT professionals, IT managers, CIO, COO, CTO) - online payment here
    200 euro (+ VAT) for IT Vendors and Consultants - online payment here
    For groups of 3 persons, or more, 15% discount will apply

Participating to this event you have the unique opportunity to become a CIO Council Romania member, if you will comply with membership requirements.
For further questions and registration we kindly invite you to contact Ms Laura Gheboianu via e-mail: laura.gheboianu@cariereonline.ro, or via telephone: 0726.768.079.


Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest
Calea Victoriei, 63-81 Sector 1, 10065, Bucharest


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