Although the digital technology appears to fulfill our life, it has only begun to penetrate industries. As it continues its advance, the implications for companies, business models and opportunities will be tremendous.

The worldwide economy, business models, and the IT community are dramatically changing under our eyes through digitalization. The innovative technology can make the difference between survival and extinction in this disruptive time. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation and robotics innovates economic growth and finds their appliance in expert systems, data analytics, robotics, machine learning algorithms or voice recognitions.

The CIOs are again in the frontline of the business transformation in an unprecedented role of digital business partner. The digital journey of the enterprises continues in an economic ecosystem where new GDPR regulation compliance and huge increased cybersecurity threats puts a tremendous pressure to companies and CIOs. 

Can you lead your enterprise to continue the digital journey?

The CIO Council Conference is designed as forum to provide an intimate networking platform for CIOs and CxO from leading organizations. Attendees will engage in challenging debates and innovative knowledge sharing with CIO Council members and industry leaders regarding the opportunities that digital transformation provides to gain competitive advantage.

Main topics:

  • Top 10 digital trends for 2019
  • Empowering Business Through IoT, AI, Machine learning, Robotics, and 3D Printing
  • The future of business intelligence apps are based on AI and machine learning
  • The secret of blockchain technology
  • Data privacy and the GDPR - a major cultural change.
  • Building a cybersecurity culture
  • Cybersecurity for industrial automation and control systems 
  • Future of smart cities
  • The digital workforce/The workplace of the future. Can the Artificial Intelligence be the right replacement for humans?
  • Attracting and Maintaining Talent in a digital ecosystem 
  • Is the educational system ready to support the innovation technology? 
  • The European Digital Agenda


Wednesday, 16 May 2018 – Hotel Radisson, 09:00 – 17:00
Moderator: Yugo Neumorni, President CIO Council Romania, IT Director Hidroelectrica

0800 - 0850

Registration & Welcome Coffee

0850 - 0900

Opening speech
- Yugo Neumorni, President CIO Council, IT Director Hidroelectrica

900 - 1100


KEY NOTE SPEACH: “The future role of the European CIO” .
Speaker: Mr. Emmanuel GAUDIN, Charmain of EuroCIO association, CIO Lagardère

The European CIO Association (EuroCIO) is the only European, independent, not-for-profit representative for the large IT-users (demand side of IT), both private and public. Sharing and developing vision and exchanging experiences at a European level for the better or best use of information technology, as well as externally representing the larger user communities towards European Commission and other European authorities are the main objectives.


Turbulent times in IT Rewards

Speaker: Oana Botolan, Managing Partner, Cteam Romania (Cteam Human Capital, part of Cteam Group)



While the digital continues to transform the company processes the CIOs have been asked to focus on one goal: Delivering exceptional digital experiences to customers. From artificial intelligence (AI), to blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT), new digital technologies are having a major impact on business - and that impact will only grow in 2018. Artificial intelligence goes from Newbie To Mainstream. How to integrate the newest digital trends with the mature technologies like cloud computing, BIG Data or IoT? How the business intelligence analytics are changed by artificial intelligence and the newest technology trends? Does the blockchain find its way to the IT ecosystems? How to decrease the costs through intelligent analytics software? Did the IoT push us to the edge?

Panel previews:

5G technology driven by business needs. Business transformation driven by 5G technology - delivered by Marius Iordache, IP Network Architect, Orange Romania

Realizing 2030: The Next Era of Human Machine Partnerships - delivered by Radomir Bordon, Director, Central and Eastern Europe, Dell EMC

A new dawn of immense possibility is on the horizon. Dell Technologies surveyed 3,800 business leaders from around the world to uncover their forecasts for the next decade. The research revealed a divided vision of the future but common ground on the need to transform and how.


- Florin Popa - Business to Business Director, Orange Romania

- Liviu Buligan, Executive Director SoftOne Romania

- Radomir Bordon, Director, Central and Eastern Europe, Dell EMC

- Cătălin Popescu, CIO Council Member, Director of Engineering at Honeywell

- Cristian Cucu, Secretar de Stat, CIO , Secretariatul General al Guvernului


-Carmen Adamescu, Partner, Head of IT Advisory Services, EY Romania


1100 - 1130

Coffee break

1130 - 1330


Data privacy and the GDPR a major cultural change.
The society put a major pressure to the business community for a severe control on privacy and personal data protection. We are talking about a major cultural change and a global mind shift in data protection compliance. For the first time the companies and the business cannot ignore the GDPR compliance battle.

Speaker: Roxana Ionescu, Partner, Head of Data Protection practice, NNDKP


GDPR status across Europe 

The GDPR challenges are common across Europe no matter the size of the companies or the countries. The European CIO Association will present a summary of GDPR findings resulted from surveying the EuroCIO members.

Speaker: Yugo Neumorni, Cybersecurity Council Chairman, EuroCIO


CyberSecurity a cross-border perspective of the world´s leading industry association

Speaker: Todd Thibodeaux, CEO, CompTIA


PANEL: Are the CIOs ready for the next cyber-attack?

We are living in a hyper connected world where millions of objects and sensors are added daily which transforms our life in an unprecedented way. Our life is improving through technology, artificial intelligence, new digital services and new devices are changing and transforming our business. But all comes with an increased cost of cyber threats and cyber risks. National critical infrastructures, power grids, medical and financial institutions failed like domino pieces in the last years in a battle with invisible aggressors. The society demands immediate actions to control the cyberterrorism and urge the business and the IT community for better security and data privacy measures and regulations. "Security and Cybersecurity by design" is the new law to be imposed to IT ecosystems.
• How can we deal with human factors in security?
• How can cyber risks best be incorporated into business continuity plans?
• Will the artificial intelligence and the machine learning be incorporated into the IT security defense systems?
• Are the CIOs ready for the next cyber -attack?
• Is the "Cybersecurity as a Service" the best options for companies and CIOs?
• How to protect national critical infrastructures from cyber- attacks?
• Is Industrial Control Systems unsecure by design?
• Online clandestinity and the Darknets are the "crime as a service" suppliers engaged in illegal activities.
• Are you compliant with NIS Directive and GDPR regulations?

Panel previews

Prescriptive Security Operations Center - Building the Next Generation SOC - delivered by Cătălina Dodu, Managing Atos Cybersecurity Business in CEE, Atos

Melting of national security – a cybernetics perspective - delivered by Dr. Iulian Fota, Director of the National Intelligence College, former National Security Adviser to the President of Romania


- Cătălina Dodu, Managing Atos Cybersecurity Business in CEE, Atos

- Aris Vrakas, Data Expert, Informatica

- Victor Margină, Softline, Head of the representation, Softline International Romania

- Bogdan Carlescu, Product Marketing Manager, Bitdefender

- Dr. Iulian Fota, Director of the National Intelligence College, former National Security Adviser to the President of Romania

Yugo Neumorni, President CIO Council Romania, IT Director Hidroelectrica


1330 - 1430


1430 - 1630


PANEL: Impact of AI technologies on business.

The impact of AI technologies on business is projected to boost labor productivity fundamentally changing the way we work and reinforcing the role of people to drive growth in business. Companies are entering in a new era ruled by data incorporating AI and machine learning in business intelligence systems. They can now use machines algorithms to identify trends and insights in vast reams of data and make faster decisions that position them to be competitive in real-time. Expert systems, data analytics, robotics, machine learning algorithms, voice recognitions are only few AI appliance that streamline business processes, improve customer services and leverage sensor-driven data for marketing and advertising.
• Business Intelligence Apps Built on Machine Learning
• AI for business dashboards
• Predicting Repairs and Upkeep for Machinery through AI, IoT and robotics
• AI for Monitoring Machine Fleets and Factories
• Machine Learning and GeoLocation Data Applications


- Cosmina Simion, Partner, NNDKP

- Vladan Pekovic, Chief Technology and Information Officer, Telekom Romania

- Radu Brasoveanu, CIO Council Member, VP | CTO at DB Global Technology

- Gabriel Pavel, Balkans Sales Director, Fujitsu

- George Lazar, Board Member CIO Council

- Liviu Apolozan, CEO, DocProcess


- Mircea Modran, CIO Council Member


Case study: Electrica. Back to the future. Why are we slow?

Cloud migration case study opportunity. Enter & Exist cloud strategy. The secret of standardization. Planning the migration. Cloud supplier analyse. 

Speaker: Dan Crisfalusi, CIO Council Member, CIO Electrica


The paradox of growth. How to deal with human resources crisys in IT industry

Speaker: Bogdan Tudor, CIO Council Vice-president 


Cocktail & fine wine tasting




REGISTRATION for CIO Council National Conference 2018

Participation fees:
    CIO Council Romania members - Complimentary
    100 euro ( + VAT) for End Users (IT professionals, IT managers, CIO, COO, CTO)
    200 euro (+ VAT) for IT Vendors and Consultants.
    For groups of 3 persons, or more, 15% discount will apply

Participating to this event you have the unique opportunity to become a CIO Council Romania member, if you will comply with membership requirements.
For further questions and registration we kindly invite you to contact Ms Laura Gheboianu via e-mail: laura.gheboianu@cariereonline.ro, or via telephone: 0726.768.079.


Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest
Calea Victoriei, 63-81 Sector 1, 10065, Bucharest


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