Technology is changing the world into an unpredictable model, shifting completely the way we are doing business.
Enforced by the latest technologies, a new reality is growing fast under our eyes, leading both threats and business opportunities. We are witnesses of a Major Technological Change. It is time for a charismatic, creative, open-minded CIO who can lead companies through the perfect disruptive technological storm. CIOs have a historic opportunity to be the change drivers in business and the leaders of the digital agenda.
Come to the CIO Council National Conference and join the largest CIOs community in Romania, influential industry experts and business leaders that could support you to transform your organization. We will show you that:
Cloud and mobility continue to be major forces of technological change, enabling innovation and new business models The Internet of Things, the Big Data, and 3D printing are new wave of disruptive technology Devices irreversibly change the industries and the way of doing business: 3D printing, Drones, Conductorless subway, Driverless cars, Wearable Devices and App Mesh Cybersecurity continues to threaten the business and to challenge the innovation Mobility and globalization are drivers of change We can monetize new business models resulting from disruptive technologies You can improve the business performance through virtual reality The job description of the new CIO is changing ireversibly
Disruptive technology storm is around the corner.
Did you see it?
Wednesday, 27 April 2016 – Hotel Radisson, 09:00 – 17:00
Moderator: Yugo Neumorni, President CIO Council Romania
0800 - 0845
Registration & Welcome Coffee
0845 - 0900
Opening speech Moderator: - Yugo Neumorni, President CIO Council Romania
Official opening of the conference By Marius-Raul Bostan, Minister of Communications and for Information Society
Change Management. Change is the sole constant in IT profession Speaker: - Aurelian Sin, CIO Federal Mogul, EMEA, CIO Council board member
Managing the Risk of technology Disruption Speaker: - Cosmin Alexandru, Inspirational speaker, Partner in Wanted Transformation, experienced specialist in strategy, branding and organisational transformation processes
PANEL: Disrupting Mobility. Where are we going? (click for details)
Preview byEtienne Plouvier, Global Product Manager, Digitization, Worldline, ATOS
- Timos Tsokanis, Chief Technology and Information Officer Telekom Romania
- Mugur Pantaia, Managing Director HP Inc. Romania
- Mihai Tamaş, Head of Enterprise Business Team Samsung
- Cătălina Dodu, Country Manager Atos IT Solutions and Services Romania
- Dragoş Petrea, Head of Channel, South East Europe at SAP
Moderator: - Kyriacos Sabatakakis, Managing Director in charge of Communications, Media & Technology for South Eastern Europe, Accenture
PANEL: Disrupting Mobility. Where are we going?
The world as we knew is long gone. The new reality is here. Autonomous and connected vehicles with no human intervention, self driving cars, safer and intelligent roads, drones, intelligent medications, artificial intelligence, clean and free energy, intelligent cities, car free sharing, the new way of social network interaction, smart apps are changing our lives.
Mobility, a key factor for the new reality, is driven by ever-higher-performing smartphones, tablets, and other devices enabled by 4G and 5G networks, as well as the explosion of other innovative applications.
The way we work is rapidly changing. Specific businesses are force to change or face disappearance. Are we ready?
Mobility and communication Smart apps Digital signature IoT and cloud computing Security New way of social interaction
1100 - 1130
Coffee break
Disruptive Technologies - research results related to new trends in IT, their impact on business, on people and markets Speaker: - Răzvan Popescu, Manager Advisory Services, EY Romania
The Primacy of People in the Digital Age
Speaker: - Giuseppe Gorla, Infrastructure Consulting Managing Director for CEE Region, Accenture
Key transformations in the IT World of Work - Shifts in recruitment, profiles and workforce structure - The new role of the manager - The changing nature and content of IT jobs - Bridging work an education for the new context
- Corina Gonteanu, Head of Marketing & Communication, ManpowerGroup România - Vittorio Zandomeneghi, Operations Director Emerging Markets, Experis Europe
PANEL: SECURITY. Are we really capable of protecting our data and users? (click for details)
- Brana Nikolajevic, Territory Account Manager, Advanced Security Operations - RSA, The Security Division of EMC - Alexandru Cătălin Coşoi, Chief Security Strategist, Bitdefender - Zbigniew Andy Rudnicki, B2B Pre-Sales Leader, Samsung R&D Poland - Codruţ Săvulescu – Chief Solution & Marketing Officer, Huawei Romania
Moderator: - Yugo Neumorni, President CIO Council Romania
PANEL: SECURITY. Are we really capable of protecting our data and users?
Internet of Things, the Trojan horse for the Cyberwar? Are CIOs ready to join the battle?
The explosion of interconnection of the physical objects, ranging from airplanes, refrigerators to artificial hearts or even children’s toys, into a single platform named Internet of Things is changing the world to a new reality. The positive and great potential of Internet of Things is amazing. But the new reality brings to the same table the cyber-criminals well equipped and ready to exploit vulnerabilities in new technologies, and to cause irreparable damage to both organizations and individuals. Are CIOs ready to fight the cyber war? Are the organizations aware of the threats of the new IoT reality? How prepared are the authorities to respond?
1320 - 1415
PANEL: Disruptive technologies. The new way of Business. Threats or Opportunities? (click for details) Speakers:
- Kostas Loukas, General Manager Romania at Microsoft - Bogdan Rotunjanu, IT Director Orange Romania - Costin Matache, Director Executiv, Ymens - Aleksandar Aksentijevic, Hybrid IT Business Manager – South East Europe, Hewlett Packard Enterprise - Andrei Pitiş, Founder & CTO, Vector Watch
Moderator: - Lucian Mîndruţă
Romanian wines in a connected world. Advantages and disadvantages. Speaker: - Marinela Ardelean, Wine Critic and Business Development Specialist
Knocked at the future’s door Speaker: - Daniel Gruia, CIO Transgaz, CIO Council member
Governmental CIO.How to expand the IT services in public sector? Speaker: - Călin Mihai Rangu, CIO Council Board member
IT driving the DIGITAL Enterprise R(EVOLUTION) Speaker: - Marcel Chiriac, CIO Council member
PANEL: Disruptive technologies. The new way of Business. Threats or Opportunities?
Enterprise technology development keeps racing ahead changing the very way of doing business. The panel will explore the impact of new technology trends like Big Data, cloud computing, mobility, IoT on companies and on the architecture of information systems in companies as well as the connection between these key-trends in the IT industry: Cloud and mobility continue to be major forces of technological change, enabling innovation and new business models. Cloud friendly applications for a new way of business As social tools become more popular, how ready is cloud to go social and become an integrated part of the way companies manage business data? More power for CIO – cloud analytic for traditional data and big data across the entire enterprise The internet of things, the Big Data, and 3D printing are new wave of tech disruptor and enablers
Cocktail & fine wine tasting
You can view the presentations held during CIO Council National Conference, HERE:
Director IT pentru zona EMEA (Europe, Midlle East and Africa), Federal-Mogul
Cosmin Alexandru
Partner in Wanted Transformation
Etienne Plouvier
Global Product Manager, Digitization, Worldline, ATOS
Timos Tsokanis
Chief Technology and Information Officer Telekom Romania
Mugur Pantaia
Managing Director, HP Inc. Romania
Mihai Tamaș
Head of Enterprise Business Team, Samsung
Cătălina Dodu
Country Manager, Atos IT Solutions and Services Romania
Dragoş Petrea
Head of Channel, South East Europe, SAP
Răzvan Popescu
Manager Advisory Services, EY Romania
Giuseppe Gorla
Infrastructure Consulting Managing Director for CEE Region, Accenture
Corina Gonteanu
Head of Marketing & Communication, ManpowerGroup România
Vittorio Zandomeneghi
Operations Director Emerging Markets, Experis Europe
Brana Nikolajevic
Territory Account Manager, Advanced Security Operations, RSA, The Security Division of EMC
Alexandru Cătălin Coşoi
Chief Security Strategist, Bitdefender
Zbigniew Andy Rudnicki
B2B Pre-Sales Leader, Samsung R&D Poland
Codruţ Săvulescu
Chief Solution & Marketing Officer, Huawei Romania
Kostas Loukas
General Manager Romania, Microsoft
Bogdan Rotunjanu
IT Director, Orange Romania
Costin Matache
Director Executiv, Ymens
Aleksandar Aksentijevic
Hybrid IT Business Manager – South East Europe, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Andrei Pitiş
Founder & CTO, Vector Watch
Marinela Ardelean
Wine Critic and Business Development Specialist
Daniel Gruia
IT Strategic Actor, CIO Transgaz
Călin Mihai Rangu
CIO Council Board Member
Marcel Chiriac
Member, CIO Council
Yugo Neumorni
President, CIO Council Romania
Lucian Mîndruţă
respected journalist, creative manager and TV icon
Kyriacos Sabatakakis
Managing Director in charge of Communications, Media & Technology for South Eastern Europe, Accenture
Yugo Neumorni
President, CIO Council Romania
Yugo Neumorni, CISA, EMBA is the President of CIO Council Romania and IT&C Director at Hidroelectrica, leading energy provider and main technology supplier for the National Energy System.
With more than 22 years experience in IT industry, Yugo Neumorni is specialized in complex IT systems design, IT processes restructuring and reengineering, IT security and strategy, IT governance, IT audit and control. Since 2014 he is the IT Director of Hidroelectrica, having the role of IT services restructuring with main focus on the ERP applications implementation and SCADA industrial systems restructuring.
Previous, Yugo Neumorni was for 10 years the IT Director of Vimetco industrial group, leading aluminum producer in Central and Eastern Europe, present in Europe, Vest Africa and China. He was in charge with IT services restructuring from the ”green field” level to the „shared services” model, particular to the multinational organizations.
Yugo Neumorni is board member and former President of ISACA Romania. He is also the founding member of CIO Council – the Association of IT Managers in Romania.
Neumorni graduated the Faculty of Automation in Bucharest and the Asebuss EMBA program - Kennesaw State University in 2009.
He is a very appreciated speaker in the technology conferences.
Lucian Mîndruţă
respected journalist, creative manager and TV icon
Lucian started as an anchor and editor at the first independent TV station in Romania. He continued his TV career in the leading TV channels - Pro TV, Antena 1 - in the same time, bringing journalistic value for some of the most respected business newspapers in Romania. Lucian Mîndruţă had also the role of Creative Marketing Manager at Mediafax Group.
Since 2002 he has also been the owner of Alter Media, a media and branding training company and of Sign Factor, a TV production company.
Aurelian Sin
Director IT pentru zona EMEA (Europe, Midlle East and Africa), Federal-Mogul
Începând cu 1 mai 2015, Aurelian Sin preia in compania Federal-Mogul pozitia de Director IT pentru zona EMEA (Europe, Midlle East and Africa). Anterior Aurelian Sin a ocupat pozitia de Director IS Danone South East Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Grecia, Turcia, Iran si fostele tari Iugoslave), membru al echipei de management. De-a lungul a 17 ani, el a dobandit o vasta experiență în managementul IT, in ultimii 15 ocupand pozitii la nivel local, regional si de grup in cadrul companiilor HeidelbergCement si Danone.
De-a lungul carierei sale, Aurelian a construit echipe performate impreuna cu care a contribuit la cresterea companiilor si la aducerea serviciilor de IT la nivelul celor mai bune practici din industrie. „Cred ca realizarea mea cea mai importanta a fost sa aduc IT-ul la masa unde se iau deciziile, de unde sa poata contribui la dezvoltarea strategica si competitivitatea Danone, depasind conditia unui simplu furnizor intern de servicii,” spune Aurelian Sin. Printre proiectele implementate se numara cele de reorganizarea proceselor de afaceri la introducerea sistemelor SAP, optimizarea proceselor de luare a decizilor prin implementari de sisteme Business Intelligence, negocierea si implementarea de contracte de outsourcing precum si construirea mai multor centre de livrare de servicii IT regional si globale pentru companiile in care a activat.
„Dupa o experienta de 10 ani in grupul Danone, in care am crescut profesional si am fost parte dintr-o frumoasa poveste de dezvoltare in Romania, am decis sa folosesc toata aceasta expertiza in cadrul Federal Mogul, acceptand noi provocari in industria automotive. Las in Danone Romania o echipa puternica, performanta, de buni specialisti si astept cu nerabdare sa imi aduc contributia la dezvoltarea serviciilor de IT in Federal-Mogul”, declara Aurelian Sin.
Cosmin Alexandru
Partner in Wanted Transformation
Cosmin Alexandru has dedicated his previous 10 years to consultancy. The first 6 in field of branding and strategy and, since 2011, in the field of organisational transformation processes. His consulting projects covered entire organisations, leadership teams or individuals in key management positions. The main areas of Cosmin's consulting interventions are in strategy, organisational culture and leadership styles. His clients list include both local and international companies
Before consultancy, Cosmin has worked for over 12 years (1992-2005) as co-founder and Managing Director of the largest market research company in the country - GfK Romania. In 2002 he took part in the GfK Excellence Team" program where, alongside other GfK managers from around the world, redesigned the Corporate Values of the GfK Group worldwide.
Since 2013 he teaches the "Leading with a Story" course at the EMBA program of the Maastricht School of Management in Bucharest.
Cosmin is an Eisenhower Fellow in USA, being selected, together with other 25 fellows from different countries to be part of the Multi Nation Program of Eisenhower Fellowships in 2005.
Also from 2005 Cosmin is among the founding members of Erudio Association, that delivers several leadership programs for top managers, the most important being Erisma - Creative Leadership, where Cosmin taught "Public Speaking" for 7 years.
Cosmin is involved in non-profit activities too, as a founding member of AIESEC Romania (1990), Leaders Foundation (2000) and as a member of the Board of Advisors or supporter for for Fundatia Comunitara Bucuresti, Scoala de Valori, OvidiuRo, CeRe, Hope and Homes for Children, MagiCamp, Teach for Romania.
In 2015 Cosmin co-founded The Entrepreneurship Academy, the first university of its kind in Romania.
Etienne Plouvier
Global Product Manager, Digitization, Worldline, ATOS
Etienne Plouvier has an experience of over 25 years in Digital Transaction Management. He held several management positions inside Worldline, the European leader in e-payment services, an Atos company, from the Service Delivery to the Product Management. Since 2010, he leads the digitization portfolio based on the Trust Services like the electronic identification, the signature and the digital preservation, to help companies in their digital transformation.
He participates to different workgroup and associations to boost the digital economy in Europe and to prepare the application of the eIDAS regulation (Electronic IDentification and Authentication Services – Trust Services).
He holds a Master of Science from ISEN, Lille, France.
Timos Tsokanis
Chief Technology and Information Officer Telekom Romania
Position: Chief Technology and Information Officer Romania
Corporate Groups: Technology & Operations and Information Technology, Telekom Romania
Mr. Tsokanis’s professional experience includes various management positions in the field of telecommunications. Before joining the team, Mr. Tsokanis was Chief Operating Officer at Vivacom (Bulgarian telecommunications company).
The professional experience of Mr. Tsokanis also includes the positions of Chief IT & Customer Service Officer at Globul EAD Bulgaria, CIO at Tellas, Executive IT Director West at Verizon Wireless (USA) and Deputy IT Executive Director within Stet Hellas (Greece).
Mr. Tsokanis holds a degree in engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and a Master's degree in Science from WPI, USA.
Mugur Pantaia
Managing Director, HP Inc. Romania
Has been working for HP since 2000. Has held several sales and category positions in the Romanian Sales Organization, in various roles including Channel & Distribution Manager and Country Manager. He is Member of Board in Junior Achievement Organization and APDETIC. Holds a degree in Cybernetics, Economical Information Technology.
Mihai Tamaș
Head of Enterprise Business Team, Samsung
Mihai as the Head of Enterprise Business Team, Samsung’s B2B Division committed to create impactful transformation to businesses through technology.
With over 14 years experience in IT&C, he started his career as an IT analyst for the business segment. Afterwards he became a consultant for the telecom industry at Vodafone Romania and Kintex SI. His next 5 year he spent at IBM, first as Software Brand Manager for Romania and for the Republic of Moldova, and after as Software Sales Leader for Central and Eastern Europe.
He joined Samsung in 2014, as Enterprise Business Division Head of Sales, Mihai is currently responsible of managing sales and market development for all Samsung B2B products and solutions, including SMART Signage, Enterprise Ready Mobile Devices, Printing or System Air Conditioning in both Romania and Bulgaria.
Cătălina Dodu
Country Manager, Atos IT Solutions and Services Romania
Cătălina runs the operations of Atos IT Solutions and Services Romania since March 2014. With an experience of over 12 years in IT management, previous to being appointed Country Manager, Cătălina Dodu managed the System Integration division of Atos, and before that, she was Director of Product Management at Bitdefender.
Cătălina holds a degree in Economics from the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics of the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, as well as a Masters degree in IT Project Management. In July 2007 she also graduated the Romanian-Canadian MBA program.
Dragoş Petrea
Head of Channel, South East Europe, SAP
Dragoș Petrea is currently the Head of Global Channels & General Business for SAP in South East Europe, leading local and regional SAP projects and transformation programs across multiple industries.
With more than 13 years’ experience in IT landscape of which 6 years within SAP, Dragos has strong expertise in transforming the ecosystem of partners and customers towards adoption of digital technologies in Eastern European countries.
Kyriacos Sabatakakis
Managing Director in charge of Communications, Media & Technology for South Eastern Europe, Accenture
Dr. Kyriacos Sabatakakis is the Accenture Managing Director in charge of Communications, Media & Technology for South Eastern Europe.
During his 25-year career, he has led multiple international projects for Telecoms Operators worldwide. He has worked in strategy, operations, technology and services, and assisted them in defining and implementing major transformation programs. He has also major presence in global conferences with extensive coverage by the international business media.
Dr. Sabatakakis holds a BSc from Yale University, an MSc from Dartmouth College and a PhD from National Technical University of Athens. He speaks fluently Greek, English, French and German.
Răzvan Popescu
Manager Advisory Services, EY Romania
Răzvan, Performance Improvement Manager in EY Romania, has started his consulting journey more than 8 years ago. During this period of time he worked with companies from various industries such as telecom, power & utilities, insurance and banking. Among his main areas of expertise there are digitization, software robotics, operations optimization and customer behavior analysis.
In the last two years he has led international teams in multiple engagements across Europe, while being responsible with the implementation of Document Management Systems and Robotics Process Automation solutions.
Giuseppe Gorla
Infrastructure Consulting Managing Director for CEE Region, Accenture
Mr. Giuseppe Gorla is a member of the Infrastructure Consulting EALA Leadership Team, his main accountability and focus is now to grow Accenture presence in Central Europe on Cloud and Security offerings.
In his 28 years of experience in Accenture, cross Industry and Geos, he mainly focused on leveraging Innovation Technology to support large IT and Digital transformation initiatives, and to support Accenture clients in defining their Innovation Strategy and their strategic sourcing strategy.
Corina Gonteanu
Head of Marketing & Communication, ManpowerGroup România
Vittorio Zandomeneghi
Operations Director Emerging Markets, Experis Europe
Brana Nikolajevic
Territory Account Manager, Advanced Security Operations, RSA, The Security Division of EMC
Alexandru Cătălin Coşoi
Chief Security Strategist, Bitdefender
Alexandru Cătălin Coşoi is Bitdefender's Chief Security Strategist, tasked with energizing and publicizing the company's technological progress.
Catalin specializes in pattern extraction and recognition technologies, with an accent on neural networks and clustering algorithms. His technical achievements have so far materialized in six granted patents and a series of classification technologies being implemented mostly in Bitdefender software. As a consequence of his interests, he also has a PhD in natural language processing.
Zbigniew Andy Rudnicki
B2B Pre-Sales Leader, Samsung R&D Poland
B2B Mobile Pre-sale leader and subject matter expert in R&D on platform security and enterprise features for Samsung KNOX, as well as innovative B2B solutions.
Codruţ Săvulescu
Chief Solution & Marketing Officer, Huawei Romania
Codruţ Săvulescu (18 years telecom experience), as part of Huawei team is currently focusing in implementation of Digital Transformation across Romania telecom operators and main industry verticals Large Enterprises, from both solution and business impact, that in this reshaping period, shall become agile, fast, more efficient and virtualized.
Kostas Loukas
General Manager Romania, Microsoft
Loukas has 9 years of experience in Microsoft where he developed his skills in positions of general management, marketing, operations and finances.
After starting his career in 2005 as financial auditor with Microsoft Greece, he became financial and administrative director for the next three years in the company.
In 2009, he acted as interim GM of Microsoft Greece for a year while in 2010 he was appointed marketing and operations director in the same company.
Starting with January 2012, he managed the Microsoft business for Cyprus and Malta.
Before joining Microsoft, Loukas worked filled for 3 years various management positions for Coca-Cola Southeast Europe.
He graduated from an Executive MBA program from INSEAD, and obtained his master’s degree in finances from London School of Economics. He graduated from the University of Athens.
Bogdan Rotunjanu
IT Director, Orange Romania
Bogdan has been running for 4 years the business software development department of Orange Romania, the largest mobile operator in Romania, with over 10 million customers and 900 million euro turnover.
His expertise is doubled by a software development specialist profile, along with almost 7 years of experience in coordinating the IT teams within the organization, in one of the most dynamic and challenging business areas of the moment.
Costin Matache
Director Executiv, Ymens
Costin is Executive Director of the cloud company, Ymens, starting from June 2014. He is responsible of the strategic and operational development of the company and the consolidation of Ymens as a local leader in the Romanian cloud market. As Executive Director, he coordinates the implementation of Ymens’ cloudsourcing strategy to provide SMBs, organizations and public institutions modern cloud solutions and services.
Costin has a vast experience of over 12 years in the IT industry, holding various management positions in leading multinationals such as IBM and ING Romania. In the past 7 years, he has developed his career in IBM Romania, where he evolved in several key positions such as Core Consulting Leader, Global Business Services and Application Management Services Leader for South East Europe.
Costin is specialized in business development, implementing complex strategies, strategic planning, efficient management of resources and operational optimization. Throughout his career, he coordinated complex projects in areas such as consultancy, integration, outsourcing and out-tasking, many of them first of a kind in Romania.
Costin has developed successful teams and built solid, long-term and trustworthy relations with business partners.
Costin Matache graduated the Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Exchange from the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest.
Aleksandar Aksentijevic
Hybrid IT Business Manager – South East Europe, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Aleksandar Aksentijevic is Hybrid IT Business Manager with Hewlett Packard Enterprise, in charge of HPE West ESE territories. Leveraging his extensive experience in system integration, solution providing and regional management he is developing regional HPE resources, partner network and market presence for HPE Hybrid IT Transformation with focus on Helion Cloud Technologies.
He is running Hybrid IT Business through sales, channel and delivery services, including all segments needed for successful results. Aleksandar develops and deploys overall Hybrid IT Transformation strategy for the market. With all the resources from EG, SW, ES and partner eco system his focus is on helping the Enterprise clients and understanding of their requirements for an innovative IT solution, thus supporting client’s business process with minimal risk and maximum effectiveness of newly implemented technologies.
Andrei Pitiş
Founder & CTO, Vector Watch
With over 20 years of experience in the IT industry in Romania and United States, Andrei Pitiş is Founder and CTO at Vector Watch.
Andrei gratuated from Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Computer Science. As an entrepreneur, he founded his first business in his early 20s and became involved in various technology companies in Europe and Silicon Valley. In 2005, he started working for IXIA, a leading provider of performance test systems for IP-based infrastructure, where he held the position of Country Manager for several years.
In 2013, Andrei founded Vector with the objective of delivering a disruptive product to the global (smart)watches market. Today, he is in charge with the technology development of Vector smartwatches and also deeply involved in building the strategic global expansion of the company.
Andrei is also actively involved in numerous other important educational and business projects such as Innovation Labs or Tech Angels.
Marinela Ardelean
Wine Critic and Business Development Specialist
Marinela Ardelean is an internationally renowned branding and marketing strategy consultant, a professional wine judge at national and international wine competitions and guides, and also a food and wine expert specialized in business development and wine exports.
In 2013, Marinela was finalist at “Ambassadeurs du Champagne” in Milan, and for her unquestionable passion and talent she was awarded the “Young Talents of Italy” contest in Padua and honored with the „Successful manager in the wine industry - Women category” award in Spoleto, Italy.
Marinela’s industry experience formally commenced in 2008 when she was appointed event co-ordinator for artistic activities for Azienda Agricola Marcello Del Mayno in Venice. Subsequently, she was appointed as Business Developer Manager for the Asian market by WAD Wine Around Dolomites, Belluno, Italy and as Brand Manager for Foss Marai, Italy including worldwide branding activities.
From March to November 2015, she was the Advisor of the Romanian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development focusing on the strategic development of Romanian wine culture and industry.
Marinela is also the author of the book “50 Romanian Wines Meet 50 Italian Dishes” published in 2014, both in Romanian and Italian. Among much expert recognition, the OIV and the Gourmand International awarded the book as well.
In April 2016, Marinela will launch her second book, entitled “The Wine Book of Romania”. She is also one of the judges of the competition show „Wine of Wineries”, that will air in Italy at the beginning of April.
Simultaneously, Marinela is concentrating her efforts on organizing the “RO-Wine|The Wine Festival of Romania”, hosted in Bucharest (May, 21-22), bringing together all premium wines from Romania and abroad.
Marinela holds an Executive MBA in wine industry and currently she is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of Timisoara.
Marinela’s love and passion for sharing her knowledge in the world of wine and helping young students fulfill their dreams triggered her to establish a non-profit organization called Romania, The Land of Wines.
Daniel Gruia
IT Strategic Actor, CIO Transgaz
Knows a lot about few things
Knows some about a lot of things
Knows nothing about an infinty of other things
Having a holistic approach, with a sharp focus on value to customers, Daniel seeks and often reach coherence and high impact in organizations.
Having a high diversity of experiences in IT (development, sales, analysis, BPM, BI, EA, management, strategy), in diverse cultures (private, NGOs, public service, critical infratructures) and environments (low to very high complexity) and a spread range of accreditaions (ITIL Expert, MBA, Prince2, MoR, BPMN) Daniel loves to share and to receive knowledge and experiences.
Călin Mihai Rangu
CIO Council Board Member
Călin is double licensed in economics and engineering, PhD in neural networks applied in financial series processing, MBA graduate in banking and finance, University Lector at Administration and Political Studies National University, MBA Lector for City University of Seattle. He acts in more associations, being co-founder of CIO Council Romania. Călin is acting as Director of financial services Consumer Protection Directorate of Romanian Financial Supervision Authority, President of the Institute of Financial Studies, former deputy director of Integrated Supervision Directorate, and he has a broad experience in management, banking, operational risks, IT and financial services, products and technologies. He acted over 13 years as director/CIO in National Bank of Romania and Raiffeisen Bank, and general director of Romanian subsidiary of Raiffeisen Informatik Austria Group. He is president of Romania-Iceland Bilateral Chamber of Commerce.
He published over 100 articles, and two books, being organizer or speaker in major Romanian conferences related to consumer protection, alternative dispute resolution, financial and banking sectors, IT, cyber-fares, operational risk management, or management and processes.
Marcel Chiriac
Member, CIO Council
Marcel is a seasoned IT executive with a strong vision of an efficient IT function, recognized as a contributing business partner driving organizational growth, performance, and profitability. He successfully implemented such vision through preparing and executing comprehensive strategic plans, building motivated teams and driving innovative IT programs that delivered quality and value.
During his most recent assignment, as Group CIO at Rompetrol, Marcel drove the internalization of the IT function from a failed full outsourcing model to a performing stage, achieving the conditions for IT be to recognized as a trusted business partner. This brought his team the business support for proposing and delivering innovative technology projects..
Previously Marcel provided IT management consulting services to clients in the insurance, telecommunications, trading, banking, and advertising industries located in Vancouver, Seattle, and New York.
REGISTRATION for CIO Council National Conference 2016
Participation fees:
CIO Council Romania members - Complimentary
100 euro ( + VAT) for IT professionals, IT managers, CIO, COO
200 euro (+ VAT) for IT Suppliers representatives. For groups of 3 persons, or more, 15% discount will apply
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